Exploring the virtual space with Matterport: revolutionizing Interaction with Spaces

Discover how Matterport is transforming the perception of physical environments through interactive virtual tours. Explore advanced features and benefits in integration with Autodesk Construction Cloud.

Virtual Tour with Matterport

Matterport stands out as a pioneer in three-dimensional scanning technology and virtual tours, offering a cutting-edge platform that is redefining how we interact with physical environments in the digital age. Thanks to its ability to transform real spaces into engaging digital experiences, Matterport provides users with the opportunity to virtually explore a wide range of environments, from homes to museums, from construction sites to commercial spaces, ensuring an immersive and realistic experience.

The power of Matterport lies in its advanced three-dimensional camera technology, which captures every single detail of an environment, allowing the creation of an interactive digital replica known as a “digital twin.” This replica offers users the ability to move freely within spaces, zoom in on specific details, and fully understand the layout of the environments

Integrazione con Autodesk Construction Cloud: vantaggi nel contesto edilizio

Moreover, Matterport integrates crucially with Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC), becoming an essential tool in the construction context. This integration enables the generation of accurate three-dimensional models through environment scanning, providing a solid foundation for BIM design and reducing errors resulting from manual translation.

Benefits of Matterport in construction project management

There are several benefits of using Matterport in the construction context, such as:


  • Comparison between BIM design and on-site execution: it facilitates comparison between BIM design and actual on-site construction, allowing for accurate “as-built” documentation through the export of three-dimensional models in various formats compatible with major design platforms.


  • Real-time resolution of construction phase issues: enables better project management through the creation, assignment, and tracking of issues and requests for information (RFIs) directly from the Autodesk Build dashboard, improving collaboration among team members.


  • 24/7 collaboration and reduction of time and costs: promotes remote communication and efficient collaboration among parties involved in construction projects, enabling informed decisions and timely project updates, resulting in time and cost savings.


  • Labeling and scale measurement: offers the ability to automatically generate labels and real-scale measurements of all architectural and system elements, ensuring an accurate representation of spaces and components.

In addition to these functionalities, Matterport offers marketing opportunities, allowing effective and detailed sharing and visualization of projects and construction sites with clients. Orbyta Engineering has successfully integrated the Matterport system into all phases of the design process, ensuring an innovative and comprehensive approach to project realization.


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